Grommets, also known as tympanostomy or ventilation tubes, are tiny plastic tubes inserted in a small slit in your child's eardrum. Grommets help maintain normal middle ear pressure by allowing air into the middle air from outside the ear. This helps reduce the risk of fluid build-up in that space.
Grommets are a temporary solution and buy time until your child's Eustachian tubes mature to work naturally. Eustachian tubes are tubes that connect the middle ears to the back of the throat. They are responsible for helping the ears drain fluid and keep the air pressure in the ears at the right level. Grommets are normally recommended if your child's glue ear doesn't clear up or for frequent ear infections.
Following the insertion of grommets, there may be a discoloured discharge from the ear canal. This will be a combination of blood, mucous and wax, and need not be a concern. The discharge normally lasts a few days.
Children under 4 years
Your child may swim and do all the water sports he/she wishes. It is advisable to not swim for two weeks following the grommets' insertion to allow the ears to settle. Do not clean the ears with anything more than a wet face cloth; using earbuds normally only leads to wax impaction.
Older Children
If your child is an active swimmer, e.g. is part of the swimming club, then earplugs are advised. A swimming cap and cotton wool plug will also suffice. Diving deep places increased pressure on the eardrum and may cause pain; it is essential to use earplugs in this situation.
Follow up appointments with Dr. Martin Vanlierde or your family doctor to have the grommets checked approximately one week after the operation, are essential if you have any concerns please Dr. Vanlierde. Intermittently the ears may discharge following a cold. If this occurs, please consult your GP or Dr. Vanlierde.